Open Doors Open Studios

Art and religion, carnivals and saturnalia, dancing and listening to oratory—all these have served, in H. G. Wells’s phrase, as Doors in the Wall. And for private, for everyday use there have always been chemical intoxicants.
— “The Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley, 1954

I am excited to be included as a guest artist in the studio of Lisa Lebofsky at the 2019 ”Open Doors Open Studios" at The Clemente in the Lower East Side, NYC.  

The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center, a gorgeous Dutch neo-gothic former school, is my dream studio building and I'm honored to be gifted a wall this weekend to show my work in the studio of one of my art-heroes, Lisa Lebofsky.

Lisa is a fearless artist. Her indomitable spirit enables her to pursue a nomadic studio practice, painting on site where icebergs migrate and beaches crumble. Focusing on places and people in areas that are particularly susceptible to climate change, her paintings are made in participation with the landscape: using both natural pigments of paint, and often local materials like sagebrush and stones in her markmaking. Her New York studio is a capsule of many journeys, one of which I was lucky to share with her in Colorado last year as we both participated in the 2018 Artists Off Grid residency. 

At "Open Doors, Open Studios" in Studio 409 you'll see a few selections of my exploratory fleshy landscapes and a couple of larger works - as well as a double portrait of me and my muse in a group exhibition in the 4th floor hall hung by Priska Juschka, director of Lichtundfire gallery.

There are things you know about, and things you don’t, the known and the unknown, and in between are the doors...
— Ray Manzarek, Newsweek, 1967